
We need you defecting from White supremacy and changing the narrative of White supremacy by breaking White silence. – Alicia Garza    

The battle is and always has been a battle for the hearts and minds of white people in this country. The fight against racism is our issue. It’s not something that we’re called on to help People of Color with. We need to become involved with it as if our lives depended on it because really, in truth, they do. — Anne Braden

Through education, outreach, and mobilization, SURJ Nashville’s mission and purpose are:

(1) to call white people into the work of unlearning racism and white supremacy that operates in personal attitudes and relationships

(2) to call white people into the work of divesting from and dismantling racism and white supremacy that operates within systems and institutions

(3) to create spaces of learning, accountability, and transformation for people seeking to engage in the work outlined above

(4) to support local, statewide, regional, and national people of color (POC) led movements for racial and social justice

photo by Kyle Lincoln
Photo by Mathias P.R. Reding


SURJ Nashville, a chapter of the national Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) network, is a group of individuals organizing white people for racial justice in Middle Tennessee. 

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